Behind the Scenes with Mike Robertson: TPC Sugarloaf Pro-Am, Charity Week, and Atlanta’s August Pro-Am

Tennis is a strong channel for bringing people into focus on a cause. This episode of the Atlanta Tennis Podcast takes you behind the scenes of one of the most inspiring tennis events in the region: the Charity Pro-Am weekend at TPC Sugarloaf.

Tune in as Mike Robertson, Director of Racket Sports at TPC Sugarloaf, tells the exciting story of how local tennis pros and enthusiasts come out to rally for a weekend of fierce competition and community-driven charity.

In this episode, you’ll get to know that tennis is not just about a sweating sport. Rather, it’s a reunion opportunity for the all on and off the court tennis folks.

In this episode, you’ll get to know that tennis is not just a sweating sport. Rather, it’s a reunion opportunity for all on and off-the-court tennis folks.

About Our Guest

In this episode, we are joined by the Director of Racket Sports at TPC Sugarloaf, Mike Robertson. Having years of experience dealing in tennis, areas of events that involve community involvement, Mike takes the lead with their annual Charity Pro-Am weekend. He dives into how the event came to be so successful, the contribution of the tennis pros, and how they support valuable causes such as Birdies for the Brave, The Vigilant Torch, and local organizations. His leadership of the event at TPC Sugarloaf had made this a real highlight, not just for the members of the club, but for the whole tennis community in Atlanta.

What You’ll Learn

  • How the Charity Pro-Am weekends bring together tennis, golf, and pickleball into a week of fundraising.
  • The effect and impact organizations such as Birdies for the Brave have been able to instill into veterans and local communities alike.
  • In fact, tennis pros in Atlanta have played a significant role in supporting several charitable events throughout the month of August.
  • This is the spirit of collaboration within the Atlanta tennis players group and how such events make a difference.
  • Why events like this are just the essential part of community involvement in Sugarloaf, promoting sport and charity at the same time.

Who Should be Listening?

We believe this podcast is suited for all, but to be more particular-

  • Tennis enthusiasts: If you love tennis but would want to hook onto how this sport empowers community causes, then this episode is for you.
  • Tennis Coaches and Club Managers: Learn how to use your club to host successful charity events for building important relationships with local professionals and businesses.
  • Philanthropists and Community Organizers: Learn how sports events can drive charitable efforts and help better your community.
  • Veterans and Supporters: Hear the impact organizations such as Birdies for the Brave and the Vigilant Torch are making on behalf of veterans, and how you can get involved.

Want to Get Involved? 

If you wish to participate in future Charity Pro-Am events or just simply get more involved in the Atlanta tennis community, please see our Tennis Event Calendar for a full calendar of events. Reach out to these local clubs, coaches or pros and see how you can make a difference by playing, donating or volunteering your time.


More about Mike:

More about the TPC Sugarloaf ProAm:

Shaun Boyce USPTA: 🎾

Bobby Schindler USPTA: 🎾

Geovanna Boyce: 💪🏼🏋️

This podcast is powered by GoTennis! Atlanta: Membership has its privileges 🤜🏼🎾🤛🏼


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Welcome to the Atlanta Tennis Podcast.


Every episode is titled, "It starts with tennis" and goes from there.


We talk with coaches, club managers, industry business professionals,


technology experts, and anyone else we find interesting.


We want to have a conversation as long as it starts with tennis.


Hey, hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast, powered by GoTennis.


Check out our calendar of Metro Atlanta Tennis events at


And today we have a special guest, Mike Robertson, who is Director of Racket Sports at TPC Sugarloaf.


Mike tells us about their charity Pro Am Weekend, supporting birdies for the brave,


the vigilant torch, and the women's club of Sugarloaf Country Club.


Have a listen and let us know what you think.


My name is Mike Robertson, I'm the Director of Racket Sports at TPC Sugarloaf.


And I just want to say thanks to Shaun for having me on.


And being here during our charity Pro Am Weekend, we are a part of a Pro Am charity week here at TPC


Sugarloaf in conjunction with golf and pickleball. It's a week-long event that supports birdies for


the brave, which is a charity that's run by the PGA tour, but also the vigilant torch and the


women's club of Sugarloaf Country Club. And under the women's club, charities like the Duluth


Food Co-op fall under that. And so this weekend and week really is all about creating as much


support as possible for these very worthwhile charities. What that involves is our membership


getting involved in contributing and participating in our Pro Am event. And what that means is they


enter into a weekend-long commitment of playing tennis with a professional against other members


in their professional. What that means is that the Lanna Pros really band together during the


month of August to support as many of the local clubs as possible. So for example, the first week of


August Country Club of Rosewell and Marcus Ruchy hosts their Pro Am the second week of August TPC


Sugarloaf here with us. We have ours in which case a lot of the same pros play both events.


So a lot of teaching pros, former pros donate a lot of time during the month of August to support


a lot of worthwhile causes. And it's really cool for us as tennis people to be a part of something


that's a lot bigger than just plant tennis. Yeah, we're having a lot of fun this weekend. It's a


million degrees, but we're doing it for a big cause. And so people will come out and really enjoy


themselves remembering that what we're doing is raising awareness, raising funds for specifically


veterans that are coming back from foreign affairs and need some help and need some assistance.


And we're happy to be a part of that. And so for us, our Pro Am event is really one of our


signature events for the year. We look forward to it all year long. We plan for it for about a year.


And we really enjoy doing it. So just want to say thank you out there to all the pros that are


in Atlanta that are contributing their time all weekend longer in the month of August to help as


many worthwhile charities as possible. It's a really great thing to be a part of.


Well, there you have it. We want to thank for use of the studio. And be sure to hit that


follow button for more tennis related content. You can go to And while


you're there, check out our calendar of tennis events. The best deals on TechnoFiber products,


tennis apparel and more. If you're a coach, director of any racket sports or just someone who wants


to utilize our online shop, contact us about setting up your own shop collection to offer your


branded merchandise to the Atlanta tennis world. And with that, we're out. See you next time.





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