Tennis Tip: Winter is Coming… Be Ready to Move.. FORWARD!
Season 24 Episode #98 Ben Hestley and Shaun J Boyce
In today’s episode, you’ll discover a little more about winter weather tennis. The ball doesn’t bounce as high and you should be ready to move FORWARD inside the baseline A LOT!
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USPTA Certified Tennis Professional Ben Hestley of Bull Shark Sports:
Shaun Boyce USPTA:
Bobby Schindler USPTA:
Geovanna Boyce:
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Hey hey, this is Shaun with the GoTennis Podcast powered by Signature Tennis.
Speaker:Today's tennis tip comes from Ben Hestley of Bull Shark Sports.
Speaker:Have a listen and let us know what you think.
Speaker:This is Ben Hestley from Bull Shark Sports.
Speaker:Today's tip is on how to handle that winter weather that's making its way to Atlanta.
Speaker:In the colder months, the ball typically doesn't travel as far nor bounces high as it does
Speaker:when it's warmer outside.
Speaker:So you're going to have to adjust your positioning out there.
Speaker:Think about moving more inside the court, inside the baseline, and expect the ball not
Speaker:to bounce very high.
Speaker:Bollies are good anytime, but especially in the winter because the ball is not going to
Speaker:bounce very high.
Speaker:Move inside the court and play that ball before it bounces.
Speaker:And you'll have a lot more success handling the winter weather, the cold temperatures,
Speaker:and those low freezing bounces that you're likely to get.
Speaker:Hope that helps and have fun out there this winter.
Speaker:Move yourself more inside the court and get ready for those balls that bounce low.
Speaker:Well, there you have it.
Speaker:We want to thank for use of the studio and Signature Tennis for their
Speaker:And be sure to hit that follow button.
Speaker:For more Racket Sports content, you can go to
Speaker:And while you're there, check out our calendar of events, great deals on Racket Sports products,
Speaker:apparel, and more.
Speaker:If you're a coach, director of any Racket Sports, or just someone who wants to utilize our
Speaker:online shop, contact us about setting up your own shop collection to offer your branded
Speaker:merchandise to the Racket Sports World.
Speaker:And with that, we're out.
Speaker:See you next time.