The Ramp Training Aid | Training Systems & Technology – Nonlinear Tennis

Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $169.00.

The Ramp Training Aid from NonLinearTennis teaches you to do a lot of work at the beginning of the stroke but makes the rest of your stroke a breeze.

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The Ramp Training Aid – Nonlinear Tennis

From the nonlinear website:
Gain unimaginable power with the secret of verticality.

Learn to feel what real verticality is.

Ever see how a pro player’s racket rises as they get into their coil? That right there is verticality. And the Ramp makes it much easier to start feeling that movement. Not just with the racket, but with your hips as well.

Tighten your coil.

Your balance will be challenged on your Ramp. To get more balanced, you have to get a tighter coil.

Imagine picking up the back foot on a shot. You feel more tension and torque in the body. The Ramp creates the same effect. You can relax into the stroke as you learn this feeling because now you’re spring-loaded.

Your Ramp teaches you to do a lot of work at the beginning of the stroke but makes the rest of your stroke a breeze.

Hit bigger serves, overheads, & forehands (well… all shots) effortlessly.

By keeping you balanced at the 45, it connects your body to the hit.

When you go into your turn, your back leg bends slightly more, so it’s more natural in your core movement. It teaches you that your legs are not equal.

Learn the figure 8.

By shifting your weight between each foot back and forth continuously, you learn to find your Figure 8.

It’s an easy way to learn the Figure 8 without having to Swivel. For those who might feel insecure about learning the Figure 8 on the Swivels, the Ramp is a great alternative. All you have to do is shift your weight back and forth between your feet and you’ll be doing the Figure 8. Plus you’ll be learning verticality at the same time.

Lock in the 45.

By positioning the Ramp perpendicular to the 45 degree angle, it locks your body into the contact point. It’s imperative to face the hit with your hips at the point of contact for maximize results with your shots.

Find the balance point of the stroke.

By challenging your balance, you find your balance. By positioning your Ramp perpendicular to the 45-degree angle, you’re stuck and locked in at the hit. By having the back leg higher than the front leg, you feel that rise into the stroke (as some like to put it, “the rise and fall of the stroke”)

Learn to bend your knees the right way.

It’s not about just bending your knees. it’s about twisting like vines. One knee is supposed to be lower than the other and it dynamically changes fluidly. Your Ramp will give you this sensation automatically.

Instead of just transferring your weight or bending your knees, it teaches you to screw down into the court and unscrew up in a nonlinear way.

A great 1-2 punch with the Swivels.

While the Swivels and Ramp are great individually, they are a deadly combo when paired together.

For starters, you have an additional challenge to your balance.

But more importantly, you combine the horizontal (Figure 8) with the vertical (Ramp) to get the full stroke of the Nonlinear System.

Use it for slices.

By turning it around, you can use it for slices. you put the high part in the front. instead of leaning forward, you train the Federer slice where you lean back.

Simple, easy to use, waterproof, “linear player” proof.

“The Ramp is amazing. I use it in almost all my lessons.” – Jack Broudy

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