10 Minutes of Tennis: Calm vs Panic Tennis
Episode #17 Season 24: Shaun Boyce & Justin Yeo
In this episode of 10 Minutes of Tennis, Shaun talks to world-renowned tennis coach, Justin Yeo, Australian in Puerto Rico. We discuss the difference between playing tennis Calmly vs playing Panicky and how to find that “happy medium” we all want to achieve.
YouTube LIVE Replay: https://youtu.be/GLIJuKlrquc
Shaun Boyce USPTA: shaun@tennisforchildren.com
https://tennisforchildren.com/ 🎾
Justin Yeo: https://www.instagram.com/yeocoach/
Bobby Schindler USPTA: schindlerb@comcast.net
https://windermerecommunity.net/ 🎾
Geovanna Boyce: geovy@regeovinate.com
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Speaker:Welcome to the Atlanta Tennis Podcast.
Speaker:Every episode is titled "It Starts with Tennis" and goes from there.
Speaker:We talk with coaches, club managers, industry business professionals,
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Speaker:We want to have a conversation as long as it starts with tennis.
Speaker:Hey, hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast,
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Speaker:Also, let us know if you have questions or topics you would like us to discuss
Speaker:and we will add them to our schedule.
Speaker:With that said, let's get started with 10 minutes of tennis.
Speaker:Good morning. I say, "Hey, hey, my name is Shaun."
Speaker:I got a strange little memory now that every time I say, "Hey, hey, I want to say we're the monkeys."
Speaker:But that just says I'm old, I think. But good morning, Shaun Boyce.
Speaker:This is 10 minutes of tennis with Justin Yeo,
Speaker:World-Renowned Tennis Coach, Australian in Puerto Rico.
Speaker:And we are talking about calm tennis versus panic tennis.
Speaker:And I asked Justin earlier, I said, "Is this as obvious as it sounds?"
Speaker:And he says, "Yes, but."
Speaker:So Justin, I want to ask that yes, but question.
Speaker:It's pretty obvious we want to become versus panicky.
Speaker:But you say there's a happy medium.
Speaker:What are we looking at there?
Speaker:Well, you're happy medium is you still have to be in a tennis.
Speaker:You still have to be competitive.
Speaker:Every all those little things create some chemistry in the body and emotions.
Speaker:So the whole concept of calm is to keep you elastic and making sure you get advantages
Speaker:of keeping your smart mind and thinking about things properly and versus panicking.
Speaker:And like I said to you before, sometimes when people panic their survival mode picks in.
Speaker:And all of a sudden actually finding that was ono.
Speaker:But really realistically, you can only spend that zone for so long.
Speaker:It's all to play as a lot about playing not to lose and playing when.
Speaker:You can play not to lose most times for your panicking.
Speaker:If you come, you can start to find ways to plan the win.
Speaker:And for me, calm is just consolidating,
Speaker:managing time between points and managing time between change events.
Speaker:Having a good look at your opponent.
Speaker:I mean, I don't know how many times I have to point out,
Speaker:but I feel like I'm a dial staring at his opponent to see,
Speaker:is he wearing down his nerves?
Speaker:Is there things going on?
Speaker:If you're not calm, you can't see these stuff.
Speaker:You're two in your own self, you're two in your own, you're two in your own stuff.
Speaker:And so sometimes the messages are right there if you can't.
Speaker:If you're panicking, you know, you can get away with some stuff.
Speaker:But I wouldn't say, you can really look at the winners versus the people say,
Speaker:when I suppose to say losers, the one who got second place.
Speaker:But you know,
Speaker:you see the difference usually.
Speaker:It is a hard way to look at calm because of the intense level of the game.
Speaker:But they calm, yeah, because they're focused on what they do.
Speaker:If you talk, if you listen to a lot of know that Jockovich's latest podcast,
Speaker:you can use, he talks a lot about his mindset coming into the match,
Speaker:during the match, during change events, going to the restroom and coming back out.
Speaker:He talks a lot about where he is.
Speaker:And so that's sort of what I would talk about being found as a thank you.
Speaker:And it makes me think of one of our fitness tips that we have on the Atlanta tennis podcast
Speaker:is by coach Jovi, my wife, who talks about that change over mindset and being calm on the
Speaker:changeovers. And she notices no back.
Speaker:And she notices him with that big deep breath.
Speaker:And just that sitting there, unless he takes a few minutes and he decides he's going to chew out
Speaker:go around even as much in the box for some reason.
Speaker:But by the time he walks back up there, he goes right back to work because he's had that,
Speaker:he's had that calm.
Speaker:And I compare a little bit of the calm.
Speaker:I wanted to say the calm before the storm, but that's not really what it is because it's all
Speaker:going to be in there where you're externally fighting.
Speaker:There's so many references I want to bring up with.
Speaker:The one I'll bring up this time is what my brother says to me sometimes when we're performing and
Speaker:we're singing and we're on stage and we're saying, okay, I need to be able to sing quietly.
Speaker:But that quiet doesn't need to be calm.
Speaker:It doesn't need to be relaxed.
Speaker:It needs to be intense.
Speaker:And he brings up Michael Jackson.
Speaker:And he's got that sound where Michael Jackson just has that at the end of what he's doing.
Speaker:Excuse me because he's singing in a way that it's so soft and draws you in, but there's so
Speaker:much energy behind it.
Speaker:There's a storm under there.
Speaker:There's a calmness, but there's also that intensity.
Speaker:Is that what you're going for?
Speaker:That's a brilliant analogy.
Speaker:It's one of the best.
Speaker:That guy comes in so, he, but just,
Speaker:but I just think as he's trying to write things down because this is not an easy subject.
Speaker:I guess that's not too many people talk about it, but I quickly wrote down five tips for everyone.
Speaker:If they're listening right now, but been in paper or just come back to the podcast and
Speaker:listen to it again, click like, click forward.
Speaker:We should have an extra.
Speaker:These are probably the easiest tips to make sure you stay calm on a tennis court.
Speaker:And that would be number one, bring, like focus on your breath.
Speaker:You just mentioned it with your job.
Speaker:Second one, what's your posture?
Speaker:You bent over.
Speaker:Are you tense?
Speaker:You grab on the racket to the side.
Speaker:Like there's posture in the huge thing I had talked to the kids all the time.
Speaker:You don't walk like the winner.
Speaker:You don't walk like it.
Speaker:You literally, everything's going to come down.
Speaker:It's especially, you know, motion and positivity.
Speaker:So, that's no idea.
Speaker:And bring us to number three.
Speaker:Hang on.
Speaker:Sorry to interrupt.
Speaker:Number two, posture is that the same as body language or is it different anyway?
Speaker:It does mean body language.
Speaker:Body composure.
Speaker:Body composure is everything.
Speaker:And guys, you need to be part of that understanding.
Speaker:Because you short of ways can be like everything rolls over.
Speaker:So, you're not really effectively hitting a tennis court.
Speaker:Or you're causing injury, hitting a serve.
Speaker:Like there's all things that can happen from posture.
Speaker:Poster also helps you feel more positive.
Speaker:And that's my third one.
Speaker:It's positive affirmation.
Speaker:If there's a whole bunch of negative going on in your head
Speaker:and you're talking a low schmack,
Speaker:start trying to turn it around.
Speaker:You know, every time there's a note, there's a yes.
Speaker:Every time something says crap, then say good.
Speaker:You know, something like that.
Speaker:Just come up with things that always are opposite word.
Speaker:Positive affirmations to try to get the thing rolling.
Speaker:You know, number four is tactical thoughts.
Speaker:Most people are so ins and cells,
Speaker:which is a technique or a motion or whatever.
Speaker:Sometimes people can tactically
Speaker:and take the mind of all that stuff and start saying,
Speaker:"Okay, this is what I got to do to keep this guy."
Speaker:Or this, you know.
Speaker:And then the last one is just with that tactical thought.
Speaker:Just don't get too into it.
Speaker:Like think about the tool bag.
Speaker:And when using all my tools.
Speaker:And what other tools could I use today?
Speaker:Or change tools?
Speaker:Or am I hurting dead tools?
Speaker:Start thinking about within your range.
Speaker:Don't go outside your range.
Speaker:And I commonly say this all the time.
Speaker:And so easy.
Speaker:Three dimensions.
Speaker:Falling them back.
Speaker:Up and down.
Speaker:Side to side.
Speaker:Start thinking about how it hurts.
Speaker:And, you know, it's amazing how many balls
Speaker:would get back to the player versus using the core.
Speaker:Or using the dimensions.
Speaker:Like they don't like it near.
Speaker:They don't like it near.
Speaker:And then start sticking to it.
Speaker:I mean, it takes discipline to stick to it as well.
Speaker:You know what I mean?
Speaker:And so in that case, the tactical thoughts
Speaker:is a little bit makes me think of sticking with the plan.
Speaker:Which takes me back to plan A versus plan B.
Speaker:And is there a plan C episode we did on 10 minutes of tennis?
Speaker:Am I still in plan A?
Speaker:I'm focused on that.
Speaker:And one of the psychological things I learned is
Speaker:humans, we like to think we can multitask.
Speaker:Which means I can think about one thing
Speaker:while not falling over and walking.
Speaker:Meaning I can do two things at once.
Speaker:But I can't really think two thoughts at once.
Speaker:That just doesn't exist.
Speaker:So the one thing in my mind is either positive or negative.
Speaker:It's either tactical.
Speaker:Would you think what you call external or internal?
Speaker:Which is oh my god, I suck right now.
Speaker:So if I can stick with the plan.
Speaker:If I believe that say, you know what?
Speaker:I need to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing right now
Speaker:that can help keep me calm.
Speaker:And by the time I get over there to have to hit that passing shot
Speaker:on the last ball, maybe I don't panic and hit a bailout shot.
Speaker:And as we would say, stay calm.
Speaker:And I make him hit one more volley.
Speaker:So I can potentially hit an aggressive shot
Speaker:but stay in the point.
Speaker:There's a calmness because I'm focused on that
Speaker:positive concept of tactical strategy.
Speaker:Well, you give me some more chances of doing that.
Speaker:You know, of course everybody likes to win.
Speaker:And some people just without winning their total panic.
Speaker:You know, but you have to understand the game is about ratios
Speaker:the bad numbers.
Speaker:And you know, you win some, you lose some.
Speaker:And I think if you stick to a plan and you go for it and you lose,
Speaker:you at least at the end of the match,
Speaker:you can be broke from it, learn from it, move on to the next match.
Speaker:And try to keep working on things because you understood and absorbed it.
Speaker:If you're in panic, you don't absorb anything.
Speaker:You don't learn, you know, grow.
Speaker:You just keep doing the same thing over and over again.
Speaker:And you can probably find your lose all by the same mistake.
Speaker:So, you know, I would suggest
Speaker:totally power is possible.
Speaker:And planning isn't the one for you.
Speaker:You know, like you said, just stick to it.
Speaker:And these change events can be something different.
Speaker:You know, but once you find something that works,
Speaker:don't come up with it until you act it.
Speaker:You know, but look for it.
Speaker:With a guarantee you at the time,
Speaker:just that seems to be more than what you really should be doing.
Speaker:You know, I like that.
Speaker:We'll put the five tips in the show notes at some point
Speaker:on the podcast and the question isn't,
Speaker:is panic tennis better or worse than calm tennis?
Speaker:We all know what it is, but we want that happy medium.
Speaker:And we've got some tips for you as to how you can stay calm
Speaker:while still being intense.
Speaker:And we can all be Michael Jackson on the tennis court.
Speaker:I like it a lot.
Speaker:Justin Yo, thank you so much.
Speaker:We'll see you next week.
Speaker:- See you, Mike.
Speaker:- Cheers.
Speaker:- Well, there you have it.
Speaker:We want to thank Rejovenate.com for use of the studio.
Speaker:And be sure to hit that follow button.
Speaker:For more tennis related content,
Speaker:you can go to AtlantaTennisPodcast.com.
Speaker:And while you're there, check out our calendar of tennis events.
Speaker:The best deals on Technifier products,
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Speaker:If you're a coach, director of any racket sports,
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Speaker:And with that, we're out.
Speaker:See you next time.
Speaker:(upbeat music)