10 Minutes of Tennis: Know What to CHANGE After 40 (years old)
Episode #14 Season 24: Shaun Boyce & Justin Yeo
In this episode of 10 Minutes of Tennis, Shaun talks to world-renowned tennis coach, Justin Yeo, Australian in Puerto Rico. We discuss some of the things you will want to pay attention to as you get older. Take care of your body but also listen to your body. Understand the shoulder rotation as a tennis player and which muscles to keep strong.
YouTube LIVE Replay: https://www.youtube.com/live/enos9DSed20?si=1fNnL0sC2wmjTHWT
Shaun Boyce USPTA: shaun@tennisforchildren.com
https://tennisforchildren.com/ 🎾
Justin Yeo: https://www.instagram.com/yeocoach/
Bobby Schindler USPTA: schindlerb@comcast.net
https://windermerecommunity.net/ 🎾
Geovanna Boyce: geovy@regeovinate.com
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Speaker:Welcome to the Atlanta Tennis Podcast.
Speaker:Every episode is titled, "It starts with tennis" and goes from there.
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Speaker:We want to have a conversation as long as it starts with tennis.
Speaker:Hey, hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast,
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Speaker:Also, let us know if you have questions or topics you would like us to discuss,
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Speaker:With that said, let's get started with 10 minutes of tennis.
Speaker:Good morning, wherever you are, I am Shaun. This is world-renowned tennis coach, Aussie,
Speaker:in Australia, Justin Yeo, and today we are on island time.
Speaker:minutes of tennis at:Speaker:every once in a while, five to 10 minutes in between something.
Speaker:Sometimes we're coming off court.
Speaker:Sometimes we're just coming off a call and you need to take a deep breath and
Speaker:work off and say, "Hey guys, I'll be right with you."
Speaker:And that's one of the things we do a lot is, "Hey, I'm here.
Speaker:Give me five minutes. I'll be right there."
Speaker:And that really just calms everybody down rather than the where is he?
Speaker:Is he going to be here kind of thing?
Speaker:So, Justin, 10 minutes of tennis at 10-10 on Tuesday,
Speaker:today we are talking about getting older.
Speaker:The concept is know what to change or any adjustments you might need to make
Speaker:after 40 years old. So I've got two questions to get us started.
Speaker:One, not that either of us are over 40, but
Speaker:one is 40 the magic number? Is that just kind of an estimate?
Speaker:Because some people age differently. You don't seem to age.
Speaker:So obviously this might affect you maybe at like 50 or 60,
Speaker:but it's 40 really magic number and then we'll jump into some changes we might need to make.
Speaker:It's a good question. I mean,
Speaker:man, I talked about some arguments I would get on this one if I said,
Speaker:you know, get your muscle completion starts to happen after 40.
Speaker:There's a whole bunch of different cognitive things that happen after 40.
Speaker:Eyes, you know, short distance, long distance, changes after 40.
Speaker:And again, you can also plant the same thing for male and female.
Speaker:So it's sort of not gender orientated. It is really
Speaker:after 40 things start to change. There's no question.
Speaker:There's so many, how much traffic you want to put on your body
Speaker:I'm constantly reminding people that after 40 and I'm 15 out and the more you keep conscious of
Speaker:what you're putting on your body and what you're doing is what it's going to feel like at 70 and 80 and 90.
Speaker:Because we're all living longer now that is. So, you know, we want to stay on the planet as long as we
Speaker:got, we only got one shot at it. So it keeps saying I want to be above ground as long as I can be.
Speaker:So, yeah, look after 40, probably the things that I've learned that helped a lot of males.
Speaker:I've helped some females as well, but not a lot of them.
Speaker:Females in 3.5, 4.0, sort of they jump between those levels sometimes over 40.
Speaker:Because if you drop down the 3.5, you're not putting so much, you know, on your body and you're not
Speaker:putting so much expectation and you can still enjoy the game.
Speaker:I actually say in the over 40s at 3.5, if you're a 4.0 player before then, you can actually
Speaker:help free-fives, like let them be a little more knowledgeable because you played up at level at some
Speaker:stage. You're not a sandbagger, you've had that so many bloody times. You're just dropping a year
Speaker:to not put so much on yourself, you know. But you can step it up like I'm in 50 now and being really
Speaker:cranking up my game and my body and 300 says this morning and, you know, you crank it back up,
Speaker:you can go back up again. So there's no restriction on age. The restriction is mainly physical.
Speaker:And that's where I probably, the subject of 40s I've talked about being biomechanically more inclined
Speaker:to hit everything as efficient as possible, reminding yourself that's roots and about activation
Speaker:between you know, quads and glutes and making sure you're using all the muscles because otherwise
Speaker:this thing's going to get more wear and tear. And probably some of the things that I've really
Speaker:spent a lot of time with which helps you is this 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 men that I've worked with
Speaker:in over 40 clinics where it did like an hour and a half. I've shown them how to enjoy the game
Speaker:again the way they used to in their 20s because you can't hit the ball like the 20s. We change
Speaker:their forehand, their serve, the volley. We change even tactically how they play. So they understand
Speaker:the splits that is a little earlier and you don't go so deep into the court because you know,
Speaker:as quick as you are from baseline to serve, and when you do that the volley can be a lot easier
Speaker:because you're balanced and you're not on the run and doing off-balance. So there's a lot of things
Speaker:over 40 that you can you know start to figure things out a little bit, make an adjustment but still
Speaker:be playing your game. So that's sort of what I mean by having forward.
Speaker:In that case I got two things. One will have the whole you only live once conversation for a different
Speaker:podcast. I'm a different live on that one because of how many chances we get here. But looking at
Speaker:that and saying over 40, I'm not giving in. I don't have to switch to pickleball. I'm really not having
Speaker:to admit some physical failure. It really just is little adjustments and being willing to understand
Speaker:that things are changing and hopefully by 40 we have the maturity to be able to do that.
Speaker:Yeah, and look, if you're feeling more restricted physically and you feel like you have to be
Speaker:able to pick a ball because of the size of the court, just remember doubles is about the same size
Speaker:from side to side. So if you're playing pickleball singles, you can plan that half a quarter doubles.
Speaker:You know, and there's times where they go against love. Well, run it down. Don't get to it or
Speaker:break, but you can still keep playing doubles. And the advantages of doubles is that majority of
Speaker:the running is linear, not lateral. And it's lateral, but people tend to get more restricted.
Speaker:But you know, commonly say this when we grew up, I mean, we grew up in songs where we didn't really
Speaker:stretch. We didn't really do much anything maintenance was. And the reason why Juggerbitch is the
Speaker:rubberman still is the guy does like two hours of yoga every day. And that number changes all the
Speaker:time. It's like pretty soon, every time we talk about Novak, you know, 20 years from now, I'd be like,
Speaker:that guy stretched nine hours a day. That guy stretched constantly.
Speaker:Well, at that stage, he probably will, because he wants to still be a rubberman.
Speaker:He is definitely impressive. And I think something that I guess I'm talking more personal now is that
Speaker:now that I've turned 50 and I'm training every day and I'm getting back into national level shape,
Speaker:the advantage, I think, for us at our age and you'll probably be right in that eight-practor
Speaker:two generation wise that we understood discipline back in those days. And that's my latest
Speaker:mention now that every single day, but something's up or something boring, I just discipline it like
Speaker:the mind and what I've got to do and how I've got to be and what I better perspective. So over 40,
Speaker:most people at 40, you have that advantage now too because they have that generation that really
Speaker:understood, you know, we were given a lot more discipline so we were experienced that. So we can
Speaker:utilize it to whatever we're going to utilize it. Even to be on time today, 10 o'clock, it's
Speaker:that at 10 o'clock, it should have been more discipline. But at the end of the day, if you're on a tennis
Speaker:score, you're not just said, there is no rush. You don't get on there, go, I've got to get off the court
Speaker:in six minutes. No, I'm getting off court when I won this match. So sometimes we have to realize there's
Speaker:no real limit and time, if you let it stress you, then there's good chance. You're going to uptighten
Speaker:cells as well. There's a maturity to that. There's also a, what's the word I'm looking for?
Speaker:An appreciation of somebody else's time. Those people, I heard a phrase recently called time blindness.
Speaker:evidently they're trying to, I say, they, they are trying to make it a disease. I'm late, but it's not
Speaker:my fault. I'm afflicted with this thing as opposed to the fact that I can't just set an alarm and get
Speaker:there on time, which I think is selfish and rude. I don't think you have a disease. I think you're
Speaker:selfish and rude. If you just can't get there on time, but talk to me. You know, let me know. Hey,
Speaker:look, hey guys, you know what, I'm finishing up this group. It's going to be a few minutes. I'll get
Speaker:right to you. Whatever the meeting is, whatever's coming on, you text me and said, hey, you know what,
Speaker:I'm here. Give me a second. You know, those kinds of things are better. And as we get over 40, I think
Speaker:that's also that maturity, which I keep coming back to. You talk about the discipline. I think people
Speaker:over 40 might have grown up with a little harsher discipline, whether good or bad, we can have a
Speaker:different parenting conversation as well. But from a tennis, from a tennis point of view, it matters.
Speaker:It, Luke Jensen says, are you the one getting up that insiders before school or before work? Well,
Speaker:definitely. Justin, you are. I did not. Now, I've got an infant. So I've got my excuses right now.
Speaker:But that is the thing. That is the way we get better. And that is what we have to do as we get over
Speaker:40 that we have to say, you know what, I've got to stretch more. I've got to do more the court even
Speaker:or before I play tennis. So maybe that's some of the advice that says that if there are little things
Speaker:that I can do, if I can tell somebody who's 39 and about to become this thing, about to become
Speaker:that 40 year old, but also the 50 year old, somebody who's passed that mark and isn't stretching enough,
Speaker:can you give me one thing or two things that say, here's how you can make a big difference right now.
Speaker:Two things. First one, always live with the roller. Here is, I'm believe, or what you can get away
Speaker:with the roller, with loosening things out. Second, and actually, I'll say the roller and a tennis ball.
Speaker:I travel with two tennis balls. I put one behind my back with one hand between my hips and I slip
Speaker:on the flight. I'm usually putting them around. So when I get off the plane, I'm not tight in all those
Speaker:areas. It makes you sit here for me to tennis ball and a roller. Two things you can get away with a lot
Speaker:of stuff. And if you travel a lot, he's a real funky one that I use for my academy. He's a real big tip
Speaker:for everybody. You use your tennis can that you empty your tennis balls to play with. You grab that
Speaker:plastic can. You grab an instant concrete cement from Home Depot, fill it up halfway, put some water
Speaker:in it, mix it up, wait for it to dry out and you can use that as a massage and roller itself everywhere
Speaker:you travel. So now you're using the can, recycling the can for something that's got a little
Speaker:novel in the bottom. And because it's got concrete in it, it's got weight so it can roll out and
Speaker:sort muscle. So that's a cool one for most players on the run. Old audience. And then the last one I
Speaker:think that over 40 understand your restriction with your shoulder. That would be the next one I would say.
Speaker:It's currently and internally. You can still serve well if you don't externally go as far
Speaker:on your shoulder and just find where the comfort is and then bang and let it still work for you.
Speaker:That probably one of the things I teach a lot in the other 40s guys is like, hey you coming
Speaker:around way too far your stretch in that shoulder and the one you can't fire it. And if it doesn't
Speaker:if it restricts, so does your hip fire as well. Well there we go 12 minutes of tennis at 10-10.
Speaker:I like it. Exactly. We made it up for it. Justin Yeo, thank you so much. We'll see you next week.
Speaker:Well there you have it. We want to thank reGeovinate.com for use of the studio and be sure to hit that
Speaker:follow button. For more tennis related content you can go to Atlanta tennispodcast.com. And while
Speaker:you're there check out our calendar of tennis events. The best deals on Tecnofibre products,
Speaker:tennis apparel and more. If you're a coach, director of any racket sports or just someone who wants
Speaker:to utilize our online shop, contact us about setting up your own shop collection to offer your
Speaker:branded merchandise to the Atlanta tennis world. And with that we're out. See you next time.