A Quick Fitness Tip for Your Feet from Coach Geovi
Season 24, Episode:#7 Shaun Boyce & Geovanna Boyce
In this episode, Personal Trainer, Coach Geovi offers a Fitness Tip for the Feet! Lose the shoes, massage often, and add more “calf raises” and “runners” into your routine.
For more: https://regeovinate.com/
Try the Running Warrior Flow for Tennis: https://youtu.be/Gx19SIdduxI?si=J8RiL5_vxxGo3Dyy
Shaun Boyce USPTA: shaun@tennisforchildren.com
https://tennisforchildren.com/ 🎾
Bobby Schindler USPTA: schindlerb@comcast.net
https://windermerecommunity.net/ 🎾
Geovanna Boyce: geovy@regeovinate.com
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Hey, hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast, powered by GoTennis!
Speaker:Check out our calendar of Metro Atlanta tennis events at LetsGoTennis.com.
Speaker:Also, if you have a great tennis story to tell, definitely go to LetsGoTennis.com/mystory
Speaker:and your story could be chosen to be featured on the podcast.
Speaker:Today's fitness tip comes from Coach Geovi.
Speaker:Have a listen and let us know what you think.
Speaker:Hello, hello, hello.
Speaker:This is Coach Geovi in the reGeovinate.com fitness, health and wellness online studio with today's
Speaker:fitness tip for tennis players.
Speaker:I know, curls get the girls and to never skip leg day, but what about foot fitness
Speaker:I want to share three thoughts to care for your feet.
Speaker:Number one, take of your shoes as often as possible.
Speaker:Circle your ankles and wiggle your toes.
Speaker:Number two, massage your feet by placing the arch of your foot on a tennis ball and rolling
Speaker:back and forth.
Speaker:And number three, exercise your feet.
Speaker:Calf raises and runners are also great ways to care for your feet.
Speaker:Good luck to everyone headed out to your matches this week and as always, may they courts
Speaker:be with you.
Speaker:Remember to stay positive and test negative.
Speaker:Nos vemos mañana.
Speaker:Well, there you have it.
Speaker:We want to thank reGeovinate.com for use of the studio and be sure to hit that follow button.
Speaker:For more tennis related content, you can go to AtlantaTennisPodcast.com.
Speaker:And while you're there, check out our calendar of tennis events, the best deals on Tecnifiber
Speaker:products, tennis apparel and more.
Speaker:If you're a coach, director of any racket sports or just someone who wants to utilize
Speaker:our online shop, contact us about setting up your own shop collection to offer your
Speaker:branded merchandise to the Atlanta Tennis World.
Speaker:And with that, we're out.
Speaker:See you next time.
Speaker:(upbeat music)