Tennis Tip from Kenyon :: Hit the Right Shot to the Right Place
Season #24 Episode#:25 Shaun Boyce and Kenyon Generette-Oliver
Atlanta Tennis Podcast from GoTennis, is your go to place from all tennis scenarios related to Atlanta tennis. We bring you insights, practical tips and latest strategies to improve your tennis skill. In today’s insightful episode when Shaun Boyce takes us to the USPTA certified elite coach, Kenyon Generette-Oliver who explains the importance of selecting the appropriate shot from your field position.
Greet Our Guest
Kenyon Generette- Oliver: Kenyon is an USPTA Elite and PTR Tennis Professional. He has an extensive career of over 25 years in teaching juniors.This Atlanta tennis pro is currently working with Agnes Scott Tennis Center, Briarlake Church, and Clarkston.
What to Expect
Kenyon explains that being in the right spot of the field is very important to play the right shot. Sometimes, the ball’s position forces us to be in a position where our shot selection can work against us. He continues that our response to the ball influences the reaction and response time of our opponent. Therefore, aligning your shots properly with your position in the field is important. He gives two common but crucial examples-
- Handling Low Ball to Deep Corner: A low low ball (below the net) is often hitted aggressively to send toward the net player.But according to Oliver, this is a mistake and can lead to a point for the opponent. He explains that this type of ball should be delivered to the player at the farthest back less aggressively. This ensures more reaction time for you and a potential defensive shot from your opponent that can result in a point in your favor.
- High Ball to the Net Player: A high ball (a “juicier” shot) is usually sent deep to the open court. But it provides the opponent with valuable time for recovery and for properly planned response. Kenyon suggests the exact opposite treatment of high ball. He encourages the net player to hit the high ball to the net player instead of the player standing at the back of the court, to shorten the response time. This strategy puts more pressure on the net player and can lead to a winning shot for your team.
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Learn more about Kenyon here:
Shaun Boyce USPTA: 🎾
Bobby Schindler USPTA: 🎾
Geovanna Boyce:
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Hey, hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast, powered by GoTennis!
Speaker:Check out our calendar of Metro Atlanta Tennis events at Let'
Speaker:In today's tennis tip comes from USPTA Elite and PTR Professional, Kenyon Genrette-Oliver.
Speaker:Have a listen and let us know what you think.
Speaker:Getting this is Kenyon Genrette-Oliver, partner in the Universal Tennis Academy Head Coach
Speaker:at Agnes Scott College.
Speaker:This is called the Open Court Drill.
Speaker:One of the biggest mistakes I think we make when we're playing doubles, it could be at any
Speaker:level, is when we take the wrong ball to the wrong side of the court.
Speaker:For instance, if you get a lower ball that's below the net, those are balls that you typically
Speaker:can't be aggressive on.
Speaker:That's a ball that you should want to go to the area of the court where you've got more
Speaker:So go back to the person who's the deepest in the court to buy time.
Speaker:A lot of times I find that that player ends up going to the net person so they pop a ball
Speaker:up and then that player is able to close in and put the ball away.
Speaker:A lot of times when we're getting the high juicier ball, we tend to take that ball all the way
Speaker:back to the open court.
Speaker:That's the ball that should be going to the net person to take time away.
Speaker:Therefore, when we hit the wrong ball to the wrong area of the court, it's different
Speaker:things happen.
Speaker:For instance, you get lobbed on a ball that you really could have put the ball away on.
Speaker:And then you end up losing points because you're not going to write half of the court.
Speaker:Well, there you have it.
Speaker:We want to thank for use of the studio.
Speaker:And be sure to hit that follow button.
Speaker:For more tennis-related content, you can go to
Speaker:And while you're there, check out our calendar of tennis events, the best deals on Technifiber
Speaker:products, tennis apparel, and more.
Speaker:If you're a coach, director of any racket sports or just someone who wants to utilize
Speaker:our online shop, contact us about setting up your own shop collection to offer your branded
Speaker:merchandise to the Atlanta Tennis World.
Speaker:And with that, we're out.
Speaker:See you next time.
Speaker:(upbeat music)