Tennis Tip: Let Your Partner Work For You!
Season #24 Episode: #21 Shaun Boyce and Ben Hestley
In this Winter Tennis Tip, USPTA Certified Tennis Professional Ben Hestley of Bull Shark Sports offers some advice how to put your doubles partner to work helping you win points. Listen up! And win more matches.
USPTA Certified Tennis Professional Ben Hestley of Bull Shark Sports:
Shaun Boyce USPTA: 🎾
Bobby Schindler USPTA: 🎾
Geovanna Boyce:
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Hey hey, this is Shaun with the Atlanta Tennis Podcast powered by GoTennis.
Speaker:Today's tennis tip comes from Coach Ben Hesley of Bull Shark Sports.
Speaker:Have a listen and let us know what you think.
Speaker:Hi, this is Ben Hesley from Bull Shark Sports.
Speaker:Today's tip is centered around doubles.
Speaker:Hopefully this will help you have a successful out of season.
Speaker:When you're a server or a returner, let your
Speaker:partner work for you.
Speaker:Sometimes I watch doubles matches and it looks like they're playing singles with four people
Speaker:on the court.
Speaker:Some of the best matches I ever played is when I served and my partner was in a position
Speaker:to put the ball away.
Speaker:So when you're out there, think about how your net partner, whether you're the server
Speaker:or the returner, can help you win points.
Speaker:Your job as a server returner is the number one, keep your net partner safe, and then
Speaker:number two, set them up.
Speaker:So when returning and serving, think about how you can set up your partner and I guarantee
Speaker:you'll win more doubles points and more matches.
Speaker:Good luck this season.
Speaker:Well, there you have it.
Speaker:We want to thank for use of the studio.
Speaker:And be sure to hit that follow button.
Speaker:For more tennis related content, you can go to
Speaker:And while you're there, check out our calendar of tennis events, the best deals on Tecnifibre
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Speaker:If you're a coach, director of any racket sports or just someone who wants to utilize
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Speaker:merchandise to the Atlanta Tennis World.
Speaker:And with that, we're out.
Speaker:See you next time.
Speaker:(upbeat music)